Recent medical
studies have shown that the exact opposite may now be true. Virgin oil
extracted from coconuts actually has some extraordinary health benefits.
significant among these is lauric acid, something not found in any other
natural source. In addition, coconut oil contains the anti-oxidant properties
of vitamin E, vitamin K, and minerals.
health benefits of coconut oil include proper digestion and
metabolism, weight loss, maintaining cholesterol levels, diabetes, stress
relief, high blood pressure, hair care, skin care, dental care, bone
strength, and stimulation of the immune system. These benefits of coconut
oil can be attributed to the presence of lauric acid, caprylic acid and capric
acid, and its properties such as anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and
The human body
converts lauric acid into monolaurin which is claimed to assist in dealing with
viruses that cause diseases such as influenza, cytomegalovirus, herpes and even
HIV. Monolaurin also assists in fighting harmful bacteria such as helicobacter
pylori, listeria monocytogenes, and harmful protozoa such as giardia lamblia.
As a result of the various health benefits, though its exact method of action
was unknown, coconut oil has been used extensively in Ayurveda, the traditional
Indian medicinal system. The Coconut Research Centre has compiled numerous
benefits in both traditional and modern medicine.
Internal consumption of coconut oil occurs primarily as cooking oil.
Coconut oil assists in improving the digestive system thus preventing various
stomach and digestive related problems including irritable bowel syndrome. The
anti-inflammatory and healing effects of coconut oil apparently play a role in
soothing inflammation and healing injury in the digestive tract which are characteristic
of crohn's disease. The saturated fats present in coconut oil have anti-microbial properties
and assist in dealing with various bacteria, fungi, and parasites that cause
Researchers have recognised that the medium chain fatty
acids (MCFA) in coconut oil were digested differently than other fats. This
difference has had important applications in the treatment of numerous metabolic
and digestive health conditions and lead to MCFA being consistently used in
hospital and baby formulas.
Coconut oil has been a lifesaver for many people,
particularly the youth and elderly. It has been used medicinally in special
food preparations for those who suffer digestive disorders and have trouble
digesting fats. For the same reason, it is also used in infant formula for the
treatment of malnutrition.
As we get older our bodies do not function as well as they
did in earlier years. Our pancreas doesn't produce as many digestive enzymes,
our intestines don't absorb nutrients as well, and basically the whole process
of digestion and elimination moves at a lower rate of efficiency. As a result,
the elderly often suffer from vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Because MCFA
are easy to digest and improve amino acid, vitamin and mineral absorption, it
would be truly beneficial for those suffering deficiencies if MCFA were
included in their diet. This is easily accomplished if meals are prepared with
coconut oil.
Weight Loss
The secret to weight loss, a healthy metabolism, and a
wealth of energy is pure extra virgin coconut oil. Coconut oil slows down the digesting of food and assists
in preventing blood sugar fluctuations after a meal by slowing the rate
carbohydrates are broken down into blood glucose. Many people notice that after
adding coconut oil to their diet, they are less prone to snacking.
Coconut oil contains both short chain fatty acids (SCFA) and medium chain fatty
acids (MCFA). Recent
studies with respect to nutrition, link colonic fermentation and microbial
metabolites, in particular the short chain fatty acids (SCFA), acetate,
propionate, and butyrate to the regulation of energy metabolism. The medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) in
coconut oil are linked to the process of excess calorie burning,
promoting fat oxidation, and reducing food intake. Most common seed or vegetable oils are comprised
of long chain fatty acids (LCFA), also known as long chain triglycerides or
LCTs. Long chain fatty acids have large molecules, so they are difficult for
your body to break down and are predominantly stored as fat.
The medium
chain fatty acids (MCFA) also destroy candida, a condition of yeast overgrowth
in the body that often include symptoms of carbohydrate cravings, fatigue, and
weight gain. To achieve permanent weight loss, eliminating candida is essential.
Coconut oil is an exceptional body detoxification as it cleanses the body of
many afflictions, balances the digestive tract and nourishes all cells in the
body. These benefits restore your health and pave the way for natural weight
loss and longevity.
Short and medium chain fatty acids are more water soluble
than longer chain fatty acids. They require less energy for the body to utilise
and are freely absorbed into the bloodstream as an important source of energy,
raising the metabolism of the body. This reduction of metabolic load allows the
liver to optimise its own detoxifying functions, bile production and regulation
of blood sugar levels.
Saturated fats found in coconut oil are an integral part of
the cell membrane structure. Short and medium chain fatty acids in virgin
coconut oil such as lauric, caprylic, and capric, have strong anti-viral,
anti-bacterial and anti-protozoal properties and are essential building blocks
in boosting the body’s immune system. The digested form of lauric acid,
monolaurin, has been shown to be active against lipid coated viruses and has proven
to be a successful resource for the reduction in the viral load of HIV
patients. The consumption of saturated fat in the form of coconut oil has shown
to assist in regulating the healthy function of the thyroid gland and combating
hypothyroid-like symptoms such as fatigue, water-retention, and weight gain.
The white blood cells of your immune system are engaged in a
never ending battle against invading microbes. These crucial blood cells also
clean out diseased and cancerous cells. Regular consumption of virgin coconut
oil aids the body in eliminating disease causing viruses and bacteria,
thus relieving stress and boosting your immune system.
There is an important property of coconut oil that
distinguishes it far apart from other sources of saturated fat. Coconut oil is
comprised of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA), also called medium chain
triglycerides. Research has demonstrated that medium chain fatty acids in
coconut oil actually protect against heart disease and may one day even be used
as a treatment. Coconut oil is nature's richest source of these healthy medium
chain fatty acids (MCFA).
The theory, called the "lipid hypothesis," was
proposed by a researcher named Ancel Keys in the late 1950's, and has been considered
the accepted standard ever since. Based on Dr. Keys' conclusions, there is a
direct relationship between the amount of saturated fat and cholesterol in the
diet and the incidence of coronary heart disease. Keys based his theory on
statistics from six countries, in which higher saturated fat intake was found,
along with higher rates of heart disease. However, Keys conveniently ignored
data from 16 other countries that did not fit his theory. If you include all 22
countries for which data was available, you would find that cultures consuming
the highest percentage of saturated fat had the lowest risk of heart disease,
exactly the opposite.
Although coconut oil is predominately a saturated fat, it
does not have a negative effect on cholesterol. Organic coconut oil tends to
increase HDL cholesterol and improve the cholesterol profile. Besides improving
cholesterol readings, studies have found lower body fat levels, reduced
tendency to form blood clots, and higher levels of anti-oxidants throughout the
body. Coconut oil has also been found to reduce the incidence of plaque
build-up in the arteries, atherosclerosis, and therefore assists in reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Elevated cholesterol reports are still supporting the
critic’s view of coconut oil due to the fact that certain individuals believe
that because they take three teaspoons of coconut oil a day, they are free to
eat whatever they want. Keep in mind that cultures consuming the highest
percentage of saturated fats would probably not have had access to processed
foods. Coconut oil has long been the main source of dietary fat for people of
the tropics and island countries. Consumption of sugar and processed foods has
increased, and are now recognised as contributing to the epidemic of heart
disease we see today.
*Note: The type
of coconut oil you choose is very important. Organic, unrefined extra virgin
coconut oil is the best choice since it preserves all the natural goodness of
the oil. Currently there are some opposing professional medical opinions out
there that still believe coconut oil is detrimental to cholesterol
levels. You may want to contact your doctor or a reputable naturopath for
their recommendation as to how much coconut oil you should take.
Topical Use
Skin Treatment
Coconut oil is an effective moisturiser and exceptional massage oil for
the whole body, and suitable for most skin types. When used as a moisturiser,
coconut oil is generally a safe solution for preventing dryness or flaking
skin. Research indicates that
coconut oil assists in treating
various skin problems including dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin
disorders, while also preventing degenerative diseases and premature aging due
to the anti-oxidant properties. Coconut oil is used in the manufacture
of various body care products
such as creams, lotions, and soap. For topical use of coconut oil
as a skin treatment, warm a minimal amount in your hands and gently massage the
body and face.
Hair Treatment
Coconut oil is one
of the best natural moisturizing treatments for hair. Research indicates
that coconut oil provides excellent protection from hygral fatigue damage, and
is effective in reducing the protein
loss for damaged hair. When used as a conditioner coconut oil provides
the essential proteins required for nourishing damaged hair and promoting
re-growth. With a high moisture retaining capacity, the hair remains
moistened and soft thus preventing breakage. Coconut oil is used in the manufacture of various conditioners and
dandruff relief products. For topical use of coconut oil as a hair
treatment, warm a minimal amount in your hands and then gently massage into the
scalp and hair.
Organic coconut oil
has a high melting point and therefore it is solid at room temperature. Organic
coconut oil is often preferred by athletes and body builders and by those who
are dieting. The reason behind this being that coconut oil contains lesser
calories than other oils, its fat content is easily converted into energy and
it does not lead to accumulation of fat in the arteries and heart. Coconut oil
assists in boosting energy, endurance, and the performance of athletes.